I've moved to http://www.masonjararts.com/
My name is Layla, I am the one behind Blue Mason Jar Studio. I was born and raised in Acton, Massachusetts where I earned a Bachelors of Fine Arts with a concentration in graphic design from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and received a Masters from the School of The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. In 2007 I moved to Savannah, Georgia then relocated in January 2013 to Northern New York with my husband, Christopher. Yup, way up there near the Adirondacks and back to the snow but I'll also be able to enjoy my favorite season again - AUTUMN.
I have a background with children of all ages, strong multicultural art curriculum and special education. I enjoy flower gardening, as well as, flower design, baking, photography and drawing. I have a unique combination of talents and interests in the arts which balances out my various services. {photo by Nicki Bursae Photography}